4:37 AM | 0 comments

Had the time of my life in Broga Hill with my awesome prefects....ahem...
1st day
12.30 pm- Reach Outbac Broga....1st impression...thought it was small but i was so wrong..it looked like Sunway Lagoon inside!!!!
Ate lunch, went to dorm...Blah...Blah...Blah...
Activities that day: played giant thumb, obstacle course and the worst...*drum rolls*... Leap of Faith!!!!! I fell into the water that day n was soaked from the waist down felt like i disappointed my group cuz was lookin forward to Instructor Soo jumpin into the water!!!!
Dinner, then talk from Rishika's dad... Mr Gerard...the LAWYER!!!!...caught crickets...went to sleep...
*YAWN* will continue nx time abt my adventures....feelin like Dora the Explorer...