4:37 AM | 0 comments

Had the time of my life in Broga Hill with my awesome prefects....ahem...
1st day
12.30 pm- Reach Outbac Broga....1st impression...thought it was small but i was so wrong..it looked like Sunway Lagoon inside!!!!
Ate lunch, went to dorm...Blah...Blah...Blah...
Activities that day: played giant thumb, obstacle course and the worst...*drum rolls*... Leap of Faith!!!!! I fell into the water that day n was soaked from the waist down felt like i disappointed my group cuz was lookin forward to Instructor Soo jumpin into the water!!!!
Dinner, then talk from Rishika's dad... Mr Gerard...the LAWYER!!!!...caught crickets...went to sleep...
*YAWN* will continue nx time abt my adventures....feelin like Dora the Explorer...

Red FM And Taylor Swift
10:42 PM | 0 comments

Just wanting to tell red Fm that i TRULY want this contest sooo much....here's to show u my appreciation for always playing Taylor Swift songs.....Lots of Love janice

11:06 PM | 0 comments

It's been a very long time since i ever touched this blog....well, lots of things have happened since i last blogged....well im in morning..n im a probation...kind of disappointed but well, its life....i went to Bangkok just a month ago n it was a total BLAST!!!!And just this morning i went 4 merentas desa n the worst of all, i couldn't run with my friends...i got a Form 4,5 number n i had to run ALONE!!!! how bad is that???well, 2moro im going 4 my 6K reunion party...although i dunno y no one told me but i think if they say 6K i think im in it, well, im part of 6K right????Thinking of changig=ng my blog wallpaper.....just browsing through some wallpapers...well, this is me signing of,bye!!!


Carnival day
8:50 PM | 0 comments

YAY!! Carnival day is comin this sunday.. too bad i have to tugas only can play..somemore got 2 shifts..so unfair...im gonna eat until fat like crazy and play until gila like crazy..HAHA!!!!still duno wat to wear after tugas..wat 2 do after tugas since there are so many stores...go around like a mad cow looking 4 food..cuz im a food fetish and there goes my diet or my so called "DIET"!!!

8:06 PM | 0 comments

HELP!!! i just deleted all my posts on accident....now i need to start all over again....SIGH....will blog about more later..right now i need to go...

6:26 PM | 0 comments

OMG!! Taylor Swift WON Female Video Of The Year & video Of The Year!! Taylor Im SOO Proud of u..i voted for you soo many times!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!PLSSS Come 2 malaysia if u read this...im dying to see u

11:38 PM | 0 comments

Yay!!!Exam'[s finally over!!!!Woo Hoo!!!!!Hope my results not so bad la....Study so hard..hope get gooood results!!!!!